Potagerie in Maastricht
A chronicle of a garden in the south of The Netherlands
Friday, 27 May 2016
The walk with a view!
27.05.2016 > Strong cut of Hortensia Annabelle gave a compact new growth
27.05.2016 > Newly planted Geraniums
27.05.2016 > Lavendula "Hidcote"shortly before flowering
27.05.2016 > Despite of the snails, the English Border is developing well!
27.05.2016 > Taxus Baccata Hedges...
27.05.2016 > First Articoke , first Cherry....
27.05.2016 > ROSES!
Monday, 23 May 2016
23.05.2016 > Fresh green in evening sun.
23.05.2016 > Roses are starting flowering!
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