Potagerie in Maastricht
A chronicle of a garden in the south of The Netherlands
Friday, 31 July 2015
31.07.2015 Gate with a....
31.07.2015 Almost the look of september....
31.07.2015 Harvesting Rhubarber and cutting the leaves by the grapes.
31.07.2015 Hedges ready...this year growth of the Taxus Baccata 30 cm hense the pruning in march!
31.07.2015 Artichoke....
Thursday, 30 July 2015
30.07.2015....this architect likes cut hedges....architecture man made with nature......
30.07.20156 Noting better than stucural planting....only the work of pruning one always forgets!
30.07.2015 Pruning....only pruning....even the Platanus.
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
29.07.2015 Pruning the hedges...
29.07.2015 Still flowering.....
29.07.2015 Artichoke..... flowering instead of ending in the cooking!
29.07.2015 Fruit is developing
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