Potagerie in Maastricht
A chronicle of a garden in the south of The Netherlands
Friday, 26 June 2015
26.06.2015 > He has arrived! I saw him today, the happy Box Tree Moth "Cydalima perspectalis"... but can't find one single catepillar....although there has been some dining on some of the Box trees....maybe some other happy insect... we will start to control the Box tree plants now regulary....or all the box tree hedges and plants have to be replaced....
26.06.2015 > Dead heading and pruning whole day.... don't see any difference!
26.06.2015 > Field of Hortensia "Annabelle"
26.06.2015 > "Coriopsis Floribunda" for colour... they flower until autumn if dead headed!
Thursday, 25 June 2015
2506.2015 > Lighting replaced between the trees...
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
23.06.2015 > New border around the apple and pear trees made of aircondition tube connectors.....
23.06.2015 > Lavendula and Hortensia after heavy rain...
Friday, 19 June 2015
19.06.2015> North border
19.06.2015 > Blue Germaniums, Black Clematis and White Roses..
19.06.2015 > Monster Artichoke!
19.06.2015 > Euphorbia ,planted last season, does it well in the light shaddow
19.06.2015 > "Golden Shower " flowering
19.05.2015 > Alchemilla Mollis
19,06.2015 > Taxus needs pruning....growth this season 30cm!
19.06.2015 > Looking through the gate
19.06.2015 > English border
19.06.2015> Hortensia starting to flower
Monday, 15 June 2015
15.06.15 > "The Bench with a roof and a view"
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