Potagerie in Maastricht
A chronicle of a garden in the south of The Netherlands
Thursday, 26 March 2015
26.03.2015 > Artichoke
26.03.2015 > Side boarders
26.03.2015 > Pear tree buds, should start flowering in following days... and we do not need freezing!
26.03.2015 > Euforbia starting to flower
26.03.2015 > Clematis at the entrace gate
26.03.2015 There will be quite a lot of Narsicus flowering this year.
26.03.2015 > The roses do it well!
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
18.03.2015 > Potatoes in the cellar.....in just 9 days ..but it is called EERSTELING ( " The First one " )
Friday, 13 March 2015
13.03.15 > Roses after 3 days of sun!
13.03.15 > Buds Buds Buds after 5 days! Pear, cherry and plumb buds.
13.03.15 > Platanus will be an unbrella this summer!
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Tidy and clean! > let the spring start!
10.03.15 Taxus got one extra cut today.....
Monday, 9 March 2015
09.03.15> Euphorbia replaced with a smaller varity in the english boarder.
09.03.15> Ground prepaired for new season of vegetables...and made cat safe! WE HATE CATS ;-)
09.003.15 > site cleaned.....
Taxus Baccata > Yes we are obsessed by structural shaped columns.....prunning!
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