Potagerie in Maastricht
A chronicle of a garden in the south of The Netherlands
Friday, 25 April 2014
25.04.2014 : A border of 24 meter length full of Iris Germanica - before and after
25.04.2014 Climber rose which died was replaced by a new plant....now a standard recistant "Golden Shower" !
25.04.2014 The english border was" restructured" last autumn by Rob the designer of the border....and as it seems he did the right thing, it developes perfectly!
25.04.2014 Planting of tomatoes, red beets, aubergines and more
25.04.2014 Hedges- before and after -
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
23.04.2014 Iris Germanica
23.04.2014 Hedge after pruning
23.04.2014 North border
23.04.2014 Vedgetables made cat recistance!
23.04.2014 > Impressions
23.04.2014 Climber at the office entrance
23.04.2014 Narcissus and Annabelle!
23.04.2014 Lavendula almost green after five days of the pruning!
23.04.2014 The new border does it well!
Friday, 18 April 2014
18.04.2014 Pruning and cutting of Lavendula : Gets more dense and does not fall apart although flowers later....
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